Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the correct sentence in indirect speech for the following sentence in direct speech:

He said, "Congratulations! You have done well."


He said congratulations, you have done well.

He congratulated him for having done well.

He applauded him and said you have done well.

He congratulated him and added that he had done well.

Correct Answer:

He congratulated him and added that he had done well.


The correct answer is Option (4) → He congratulated him and added that he had done well.

In indirect speech, the original speaker's words are reported while adjusting pronouns and tenses as necessary to fit the reporting context. The original direct speech is, "Congratulations! You have done well."

Option (4), "He congratulated him and added that he had done well," accurately conveys the meaning of the original sentence. It reports the congratulatory message and changes the pronouns to match the reported speech's subject and object. The use of "had done well" is in the past tense to align with the indirect context.