Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Ability


Age Problems


In a situation, A is 4 years older than B. After 16 years from this position, A's age will be three times more than his present age and B's age will be five times more than his present age. Find what was the age of A and B two years ago from the starting position.


8 and 4 years

10 and 6 years

6 and 2 years

12 and 8 years

Correct Answer:

6 and 2 years


Let the present age of B is = x years 

A is 4 year elder to B .

so age of A = (x + 4) years 

16 years later A will  be thrice times of his present age and B will be 5 times of his present age . 

according to question, 

( 16 + x + 4 ) = 3 ( x+ 4 ) 

     x = 4 

so, the present age of B = 4 years and present age of A = ( 4 + 4 ) = 8 years.

Now age of A and B 2 years ago is 6 years and 2 years respectively.