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Target Exam





Microbes in Human Welfare


Which pair of microbes includes both microbes that can be used as biofertilizers?


Aspergillus and Rhizopus

Rhizobium and Rhizopus

Cyanobacteria and Rhizobium

Aspergillus and Cyanobacteria

Correct Answer:

Cyanobacteria and Rhizobium


The correct answer is (c) Cyanobacteria and Rhizobium.

Biofertilizers are microorganisms that are used to enhance soil fertility and plant growth through various mechanisms, including nitrogen fixation and nutrient solubilization.

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are a group of photosynthetic bacteria that can fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can utilize. They form symbiotic associations with certain plants, such as rice and some aquatic plants, where they provide a source of fixed nitrogen. Cyanobacteria can convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, which can be taken up by plants and used for their growth and development.

Rhizobium is a genus of bacteria that is known for its ability to form symbiotic relationships with legume plants. These bacteria infect the roots of legume plants and form nodules, where they fix atmospheric nitrogen. The fixed nitrogen is then made available to the legume plant, enhancing its growth and allowing it to thrive in nitrogen-deficient soils.

Therefore, the pair of microbes that can be used as biofertilizers is (c) Cyanobacteria and Rhizobium. Cyanobacteria contribute to nitrogen fixation in certain plant associations, while Rhizobium specializes in nitrogen fixation in legume plants. Both of these microbes have the potential to enhance soil fertility and promote plant growth, making them valuable biofertilizers in agricultural and ecological applications.