Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


Considering the principle of scientific management. Identify the principles not given by "F.W. Taylor".

(A) Scalar Chain

(B) Order

(C) Harmony not Discord

(D) Unity of Direction

(E) Cooperation not individualism

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(B), (C) and (D) only

(A), (B) and (D) only

(A), (B) and (C) only

(C), (A) and (D) only

Correct Answer:

(A), (B) and (D) only


The correct answer is option (2) : (A), (B) and (D) only.

(A) Scalar Chain- Principle of Henry Fayol. An organisation consists of superiors and subordinates. The formal lines of authority from highest to lowest ranks are known as scalar chain. According to Fayol, “Organisation should have a chain of authority and communication that runs from top to bottom and should be followed by managers and the subordinates.” According to Fayol, this chain should not be violated in the normal course of formal communication. However, if there is an emergency then direct contact through ‘Gang Plank’. This is a shorter route and has been provided so that communication is not delayed.

(B) Order- Principle of Henry Fayol. According to Fayol, “People and materials must be in suitable places at appropriate time for maximum efficiency.” The principle of order states that ‘A place for everything (everyone) and everything (everyone) in its (her/his) place’. Essentially it means orderliness. If there is a fixed place for everything and it is present there, then there will be no hindrance in the activities of business/ factory. This will lead to increased productivity and efficiency.

(C) Harmony not Discord- Principle of F.W. Taylor. Taylor emphasized that there should be complete harmony between the management and workers. Both should realise that each one is important. To achieve this state, Taylor called for complete mental revolution on the part of both management and workers. It means that management and workers should transform their thinking. In such a situation even trade unions will not think of going on strike etc. Management should share the gains of the company, if any, with the workers. At the same time workers should work hard and be willing to embrace change for the good of the company. Both should be part of the family.

(D) Unity of Direction- Principle of Henry Fayol. All the units of an organisation should be moving towards the same objectives through coordinated and focussed efforts. Each group of activities having the same objective must have one head and one plan. This ensures unity of action and coordination. 

(E) Cooperation not individualism- Principle of F.W. Taylor. There should be complete cooperation between the labour and the management instead of individualism. This principle is an extension of principle of ‘Harmony not discord’. Competition should be replaced by cooperation. Both should realise that they need each other. For this, management should not close its ears to any constructive suggestions made by the employees. They should be rewarded for their suggestions which results in substantial reduction in costs. They should be part of management and, if any important decisions are taken, workers should be taken into confidence. At the same time workers should desist from going on strike & making unreasonable demands on the management.