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Target Exam





Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Choose the Assertive form of the given sentence:

How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!


The moonlight very sweetly sleeps upon this bank

The moonlight very sweet sleeps on this bank

The moonlight sleeps upon this bank very sweetly

Very sweet moonlight sleeps upon this bank

Correct Answer:

The moonlight very sweetly sleeps upon this bank


The correct answer is Option (1) → The moonlight very sweetly sleeps upon this bank

The assertive form of the given sentence is: The moonlight sleeps very sweetly upon this bank.

Original Sentence: "How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!" is an exclamatory sentence that emphasizes the beauty of the moonlight.

Transformation: To convert it to an assertive sentence, we need to remove the exclamation mark and rearrange the sentence structure to sound like a statement.

Maintaining emphasis: While removing the exclamation mark, we want to preserve the emphasis on the sweetness of the moonlight.

Looking at the options:

(1) The moonlight very sweetly sleeps upon this bank: This maintains the emphasis on sweetness and rearranges the sentence for an assertive tone.

(2) The moonlight very sweet sleeps on this bank: This phrasing sounds a bit awkward and changes the word order without preserving the emphasis as well as option (1).

(3) The moonlight sleeps upon this bank very sweetly: This option places the emphasis on "very sweetly" at the end, which weakens the focus on the moonlight itself.

(4) Very sweet moonlight sleeps upon this bank: This changes the word order significantly and sounds less natural than option (1).

Therefore, option (1) "The moonlight sleeps very sweetly upon this bank" is the most natural and effective assertive version of the original sentence. It's worth noting that this line is actually from Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice.