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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Globalisation


What is Cultural Homogenisation? Choose the correct answer from the following options.


Emergence of a global culture.

Domination of the culture of the dominant power.

Synthesis of different cultures.

Rise of different and distinctive cultures leading to clash among cultures

Correct Answer:

Domination of the culture of the dominant power.


The correct answer is option (2) - Domination of the culture of the dominant power.

The consequences of globalisation are not confined only to the sphere of politics and economy. Globalisation affects us in our home, in what we eat, drink, wear and indeed in what we think. It shapes what we think are our preferences. The cultural effect of globalisation leads to the fear that this process poses a threat to cultures in the world. It does so, because globalisation leads to the rise of a uniform culture or what is called cultural homogenisation. The rise of a uniform culture is not the emergence of a global culture.What we have in the name of a global culture is the imposition of Western culture on the rest of the world. This phenomenon is known as the soft power of US hegemony. The popularity of a burger or blue jeans, some argue, has a lot to do with the powerful influence of the American way of life. Thus, the culture of the politically and economically dominant society leaves its imprint on a less powerful society, and the world begins to look more like the dominant power wishes it to be. Those who make this argument often draw attention to the ‘McDonaldisation’ of the world, with cultures seeking to buy into the dominant American dream. This is dangerous not only for the poor countries but for the whole of humanity, for it leads to the shrinking of the rich cultural heritage of the entire globe.