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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


What did Periyar propound regarding North Indians and Brahmins?


They are of Aryan descent

They are of Dravidian descent

They are of Mongoloid descent

They are of indigenous descent

Correct Answer:

They are of Aryan descent


E.V. Ramasami Naicker (1879-1973), widely known as Periyar, was a prominent figure recognized for his significant contributions. Periyar staunchly advocated atheism and gained recognition for his fervent anti-caste endeavors and the revival of Dravidian identity. Commencing his journey as a member of the Congress party, he established the self-respect movement in 1925, which aimed to empower individuals with self-esteem. He notably spearheaded the anti-Brahmin movement, striving for social equality and justice.

Periyar's involvement extended to the Justice party, and he eventually founded the Dravidar Kazhagam. He was a vocal critic of Hindi imposition and the perceived dominance of northern India. One of his noteworthy propositions was the assertion that Brahmins and North Indians were of Aryan descent, reflecting his perspectives on the regional identity.