Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


A manager has to perform five interrelated functions in the process of managing an organisation which is a system made up of different interlinked and interdependent subsystems. A manager has to link these diverse groups towards the achievement of a common goal. The process by which a manager synchronises the activities of different departments is known as coordination. Coordination is the force that binds all the other functions of management. It is the common thread that runs through all activities to ensure continuity in the working of the organisation. Coordination is sometimes considered a separate function of management. It is, however, the essence of management, for achieving harmony among individual efforts towards the accomplishment of group goals. Each managerial function is an exercise contributing individually to coordination. Coordination is implicit and inherent in all functions of an organisation. The process of coordinating the activities of an organisation begins at the planning stage itself. Top management plans for the entire organisation. According to these plans the organisational structure is developed and staffed. In order to ensure that these plans are executed according to plans directing is required. Any discrepancies between actual and realised activities are then taken care of at the stage of controlling. It is through the process of coordination that a manager ensures the orderly arrangement of individual and group efforts to ensure unity of action in the realisation of common objectives. Coordination therefore involves synchronisation of the different actions or efforts of the various units of an organisation. This provides the requisite amount, quality, timing and sequence of efforts which ensures that planned objectives are achieved with a minimum conflict.

What is coordination's role in achieving planned objectives?


Creating conflict

Minimizing efforts

Providing necessary elements

Ignoring discrepancies

Correct Answer:

Providing necessary elements


Coordination plays a crucial role in achieving planned objectives by ensuring that the necessary elements for success are in place. Coordination is actually aimed at minimizing conflict. It seeks to align and synchronize the efforts of different departments and individuals to promote harmony in the pursuit of common goals. While coordination aims to streamline efforts, it doesn't seek to minimize them arbitrarily. Instead, it strives to optimize and align efforts effectively to avoid duplication and wastage. Coordination involves synchronizing various activities, resources, and efforts to ensure that the essential elements required for the achievement of planned objectives are available and utilized efficiently. Coordination doesn't ignore discrepancies rather, it addresses them. Through the coordination process, discrepancies between planned and actual activities can be identified and corrected, contributing to the successful realization of objectives. In summary, coordination's role in achieving planned objectives is to provide the necessary elements by aligning and synchronizing efforts, resources, and activities throughout the organization.