Practicing Success

Target Exam







Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

i) Pyramid of biomass is upright in aquatic ecosystem.
ii) Ecological pyramids are also known as Eltonian pyramids.
iii) The pyramid of number in a parasitic food chain is inverted.


i- T
ii- F
iii- F

i- T
ii- T
iii- F

i- F
ii- T
iii- F

i- F
ii- T
iii- T

Correct Answer:

i- F
ii- T
iii- T


In an aquatic ecosystem the producers are small organisms, their biomass is least and this value gradually shows an increase towards the apex of the pyramid, thus making the pyramid of biomass inverted in shape.
Ecological pyramids were developed by Charles Elton in 1927 and are therefore also known as Eltonian pyramids.
In a parasitic food chain operating in a tree ecosystem, a single plant may support the growth of many herbivores and each herbivore in turn may provide nutrition to several parasites which support many hyperparasites. Thus from the producer towards consumer, there is a reverse position i.e., the number of organisms gradually shows an increase, making the pyramid inverted in shape.