Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Choose the correct option to change the sentence from Passive to Active Voice :

Two hundred people are employed by the company.


Two hundred people have been employed by the company.

The company has been employed by two hundred people.

The company will be employing two hundred people.

The company employs two hundred people.

Correct Answer:

The company employs two hundred people.


The correct answer is Option (4) → The company employs two hundred people.

- The original sentence "Two hundred people are employed by the company" is in the passive voice, where the subject ("Two hundred people") receives the action performed by the company ("are employed").
- In the active voice, the subject performs the action. Therefore, to change the sentence to active voice, we need to make the company the subject of the sentence and describe what it does.
- The sentence "The company employs two hundred people" is in active voice, where the subject "The company" performs the action "employs" on the object "two hundred people." This sentence effectively conveys the same meaning as the original sentence but in active voice.