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General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following British officers issued the infamous 'crawling order' whereby Indians had to crawl on all fours to pass an alley?


General Dyer

Warren Hastings

Lord Irwin

Lord Curzon

Correct Answer:

General Dyer


The correct answer is Option 1 - General Dyer

The infamous crawling order was issued by General Reginald Dyer in 1919 in Amritsar, India. The order required Indians to crawl on all fours to pass through an alley. The order was issued in response to a non-violent protest against the Rowlatt Act, which gave the British government the power to imprison people without trial.

The crawling order was a humiliating and degrading act that was widely condemned by Indians and British people alike. It is seen as one of the most shameful episodes in British colonial history.

General Dyer was later removed from his post and censured by the British government. However, he was never punished for his actions.

The crawling order is a reminder of the brutality and oppression that Indians faced under British colonial rule. It is also a reminder of the importance of fighting for freedom and dignity.