Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




The label on the package of a shaving cream mentions, '40% Extra free' or package of a toothpaste mentioning 'Free toothbrush inside' or save ₹15.'

Identify the function of labelling.


Grading of product 

Providing information required by law

Helps in promotion of product 

Describe the product and specify its contents.

Correct Answer:

Helps in promotion of product 


Helps in Promotion of Products: An important function of label is to aid in promotion of the products. A carefully designed label can attract attention and give reason to purchase. We see many product labels providing promotional messages for example, the pack of a popular Amla Hair Oil states, ‘Baalon mein Dum, Life mein Fun’. The label on the package of a brand of Detergent Powder says, ‘Keep cloth look good and your machine in top condition’. Labels play important role in sales promotional schemes launched by companies. For example the label on the package of a Shaving Cream mentions, ‘40% Extra Free’ or package of a toothpaste mentioning, ‘Free Toothbrush Inside’, or ‘Save Rs15’