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Target Exam





Grammar: Articles


Choose the correct option to fill in the following blank.

Monika is _____ M.A. in English.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (4) → an

Option 4: "an"
- "An" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
- In this sentence, "M.A." starts with the vowel sound "em," so "an" is appropriate before it. Additionally, "M.A." is an abbreviation for "Master of Arts," which is singular and countable, making "an" the correct article to use.

  • Option 1: "a"
    - "A" is used before singular countable nouns when they are mentioned for the first time or are nonspecific. For example, "a cat," "a book."
    - However, in this sentence, "M.A." stands for "Master of Arts," which is a singular countable noun. Therefore, "a" is not suitable here because it doesn't provide the necessary specificity.

    Option 2: "the"
    - "The" is used before singular or plural nouns when they refer to specific entities that are known to both the speaker and the listener or are mentioned before.
    - In this sentence, using "the" before "M.A." would imply that there is a specific M.A. in English that Monika holds. However, "M.A. in English" is not typically used to refer to a specific degree unless it's already established in the context.

    Option 3: "as"
    - "As" is a conjunction that is used to introduce a comparison or to indicate the role or function of someone or something.
    - In this context, "as" does not make sense because it doesn't connect Monika's identity with her M.A. in English.

    Therefore, the correct option is Option 4: "an." The sentence would be: "Monika is an M.A. in English."