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Target Exam





Indian Society: Demographic Structure of Indian Society


Read the following passage and answer question based on the concept.

Considered from an urban point of view, the rapid growth in urbanization shows that the town or city has been acting as a magnet for the rural population. Those who cannot find work (or sufficient work) in the rural areas go to the city in search of work. This flow of rural-to-urban migration has also been accelerated by the continuous decline of common property resources like ponds, forests and grazing land. These common resources enabled poor people to survive in the villages although they owned little or no land. Now, these resources have been turned into private property, or they are exhausted. (Ponds may run dry and no longer provide enough fish; forests may have been cut down and have vanished. If people no longer have access to these resources, but on the other hand have to buy many things in the market that they used to get free (like fuel, fodder or supplementary food items), then their hardship increases. This hardship is worsened by the fact that opportunities for cash income are limited in the villages.

Identify how is Mass Media contributing to urbanization?


By controlling the product market

By streaming the images of urban life styles and patterns of consumption to rural people

By changing the views of rural people

By providing employment

Correct Answer:

By streaming the images of urban life styles and patterns of consumption to rural people


Mass media and communication channels are now bringing images of urban life styles and patterns of consumption into the rural areas. Consequently, urban norms and standards are becoming well known even in the remote villages, creating new desires and aspirations for consumption. Mass transit and mass communication are bridging the gap between the rural and urban areas. Even in the past, the rural areas were never really beyond the reach of market forces and today they are being more closely integrated into the consumer market