Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




'If there was no planning, employees would be working in different directions and the organisation would not be able to achieve its desired goals.'

Which of the following importance of planning is highlighted in the above lines?


Planning provides directions

Planning reduces the risk of uncertainty

Planning facilitates decision making

Planning provides innovative ideas

Correct Answer:

Planning provides directions


The correct answer is Option (1) - Planning provides directions.

Planning provides directions: By stating in advance how work is to be done planning provides direction for action. Planning ensures that the goals or objectives are clearly stated so that they act as a guide for deciding what action should be taken and in which direction. If goals are well defined, employees are aware of what the organisation has to do and what they must do to achieve those goals. Departments and individuals in the organisation are able to work in coordination. If there was no planning, employees would be working in different directions and the organisation would not be able to achieve its desired goals.

* Planning facilitates decision-making: Planning helps the manager to look into the future and make a choice from amongst various alternative courses of action. The manager has to evaluate each alternative and select the most viable proposition. Planning involves setting targets and predicting future conditions, thus helping in taking rational decisions.

* Planning Reduces the risk of uncertainty- By anticipating future events during the planning process, is likely aiming to identify potential risks and uncertainties that could cause loss to the company. Planning helps in mitigating such risks and uncertainties by providing a structured approach to address and navigate through them.

* Planning promotes innovative ideas: Since planning is the first function of management, new ideas can take the shape of concrete plans. It is the most challenging activity for the management as it guides all future actions leading to growth and prosperity of the business.