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Target Exam



Legal Studies


International Context

Choose the most appropriate method from the following by which India ratifies the international treaties ?
by way of assent of the executive
By way of an act of legislature
Assent of executive followed by approval of legislature.
India generally affirm a treaty by way of ratifying it by the assent of the executive unless the treaty requires ratification by way of an act of the legislature.
Correct Answer:
India generally affirm a treaty by way of ratifying it by the assent of the executive unless the treaty requires ratification by way of an act of the legislature.
India generally follows that merely affirming a treaty by way of ratifying it by the assent of the executive unless the treaty requires ratification by way of an act of the legislature. In the land mark case of Kesavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala, it was observed that the court must interpret the provisions of the constitution in light of Charter of the United Nations.