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General Test


General Knowledge


Which dance is performed by women of Maharashtra?


Ghoomer dance

Bihu dance

Lavani dance

Bhangra dance

Correct Answer:

Lavani dance


The correct answer is Option (3) - Lavani dance

Lavani is a traditional dance form originating from the state of Maharashtra in India. It is primarily performed by women and is known for its vibrant and energetic movements, rhythmic footwork, and expressive gestures. Lavani dance is often accompanied by traditional music, including the use of instruments like the dholak, tabla, harmonium, and sometimes the shehnai. The dance form is characterized by its lively and fast-paced nature, often featuring themes of love, romance, and celebration. Lavani performances typically involve intricate choreography, with dancers adorned in colorful traditional attire, including vibrant sarees and jewelry.

Historically, Lavani was performed as a form of entertainment in the courts of Maharashtrian rulers and later became popular in folk and theatrical performances. Today, it remains an integral part of Maharashtrian culture and is performed on various occasions, including festivals, weddings, and cultural events, showcasing the rich heritage and traditions of the region.