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Target Exam





Micro Economics: Introduction


All important decision regarding, production, exchange and consumption of goods and services are made by government. This system of Economy is known as :


Market Economy

Mixed Economy

The Local planned Economy

The centrally Planned Economy

Correct Answer:

The centrally Planned Economy


The correct answer is option (4) : The centrally Planned Economy

In a centrally planned economy, the government or the central authority plans all the important activities in the economy. All important decisions regarding production, exchange and consumption of goods and services are made by the government. The central authority may try to achieve a particular allocation of resources and a consequent distribution of the final combination of goods and services which is thought to be desirable for society as a whole. For example, if it is found that a good or service which is very important for the prosperity and well-being of the economy as a whole, e.g. education or health service, is not produced in adequate amount by the individuals on their own, the government might try to induce the individuals to produce adequate amount of such a good or service or, alternatively, the government may itself decide to produce the good or service in question.