CUET Preparation Today
-- Mathematics - Section B1
Let f(x) satisfies the requirements of Lagrange's mean value theorem in [0,2]. If f(0)=0 and f′(x)≤12 for all x in [0,2], then : |
|f(x)|=2 f(x)=2x f(x)≤1 f(x)=3 |
f(x)≤1 |
f(x) satisfies Longrages theorem in {0,2} f(0)=0 f′(x)≤1/2 for atieast some x0 f′(x0)=f(2)−f(0)2−0 (as per LMVT theorem) f′(x0)=f(2)−02 f′(x0)=f(2)2 as f′(x0)≤12 So LMVT holds for [0, x] as well where 0 < x < 2 we get f′(x)=f(x)−f(0)x−0=f(x)x So xf′(x0)=f(x) f(x)=xf′(x0)≤2×12=1 f(x) ≤ 1 |