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Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Passage for question.

Everyone knows that a messy home is an unhealthy home. You always rid your kitchen of trash and provide a clean environment for your family to live in; however, many people neglect their own bodies when it comes to waste management. A detox can help internal body waste removal.

A detox cuts out all unnatural and unhealthy substances like caffeine and sugar. This allows your body to purge toxins that drag you down throughout the day.

The body's organs can function at full capacity when you are not inundating them with chemicals. This alone boosts your metabolism and causes your body to work harder on your daily task and reduces its need to waste energy on bodily functions.

The colon is one of the most important organs in your body and its job is to help your body remove waste. Eating processed food over the years causes your colon to back up and become filled with waste. This back-up releases waste toxins and nasty bacteria into your body. With a detox you flush out your colon, allowing it to catch up and work properly.

Your liver is with you every time you need to burn fat and clean up the body. It's like a living sponge and soaks up all the toxins. By drinking plenty of water with your detox you can remove a lot of the fatty cells in your liver.

Unfortunately we live in a society where many people are overweight and as you may already know, this can bring on chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately you can lose weight faster than ever with a detox program and here is why:

When you detox, you primarily eat all organic substances that contain little to no fats or artificial sweeteners. This cuts your average calorie intake drastically.

Find the word from the passage which is a synonym of the phrase:

"to make something pure by removing something undesirable".

Choose the correct answer from below :






Correct Answer:



The synonym of the phrase "to make something pure by removing something undesirable" from the passage is: Purge

Here's why:

  • Inundating means to overwhelm or flood with something. While it can be used in the context of removing waste (e.g., "the body inundates itself with toxins"), it doesn't directly convey the meaning of "making something pure."
  • Trash simply refers to unwanted or discarded material. While detoxing involves removing unwanted substances from the body, "trash" lacks the nuance of purification and improvement.
  • Toxin refers to a poisonous substance. While toxins are certainly removed during a detox, the phrase emphasizes the process of removal and purification, which "purge" captures more effectively.
  • Purge directly means to cleanse or rid something of unwanted elements. This perfectly aligns with the idea of making something pure by removing something undesirable.