Practicing Success

Target Exam







From the following options choose the pair of words that carry the same relationship as:

Motivation : Inspiration


aspire : endeavour

forgo : accept

valuable : inexpensive

simple : complex

Correct Answer:

aspire : endeavour


The answer is (OPTION 1) aspire : endeavour.

The words MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION are similar in that they both refer to something that prompts or encourages someone to act. However, MOTIVATION is more focused on the external factors that drive someone to do something, while INSPIRATION is more focused on the internal factors that motivate someone.

The words ASPIRE and ENDEAVOUR are also similar in that they both refer to a strong desire to achieve something. However, ASPIRE is more focused on the long-term goal, while ENDEAVOUR is more focused on the specific actions that are taken to achieve the goal.

The other options do not have a similar relationship. The word FORGO means to give up something, while ACCEPT means to receive or agree to something. The word VALUABLE means having great worth or importance, while INEXPENSIVE means costing little money. The word SIMPLE means easy to understand or do, while COMPLEX means complicated or difficult to understand or do.