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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Modern Indian Art


Identify the theme of the graphic print "Man, Woman and Tree" created by K. Laxma Goud.


based on western life style

based on childhood memories immersed about nature

based on Modem Indian theme from forest

based on childhood friendship and modern life style

Correct Answer:

based on childhood memories immersed about nature


The correct answer is Option 2- based on childhood memories immersed about nature

‘Man, woman and tree’ :
 It is a depiction of village life basing on artist childhood memories of rural and tribal liveliness. A native of an Andhra village the artist has presented a rustic version of a man a woman and a tree.

 ‘Man, woman and tree’ is one of the finest graphic prints of k. Laxma Goud. The print of this etching and aquatint work is taken on a very smooth paper in which a couple is shown staring at each other in the midst of beautiful shrubs. the man is shown partially hidden in the groove of three trees, standing in the triangular queue. Only upper portion of his body is visible. a very simple, young woman is shown in a saree of dotted prints. she is wearing a nose pin, a “Mangalsutra” and two bangles in each hand. three -fourth portion of her body is shown in aqua colour. The fourth tree is shown behind her. the face expression of woman and man are innocent and caring as if they were doing both real job of parenting nature. The message of this print is again universal which narrates that the co -relation between human and nature must be maintained for the survival of mankind. now it is a collection of national gallery of modern art, New Delhi.