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Legal Studies


Human Rights in India


Assertion: In 1879, at the beginning of the French Revolution, the National Constituent Assembly of France adopted the French 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,
Reasoning: French Declaration was based upon the United States ideals of human rights.


Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Both Assertion (A) and reasoning (R) are correct and but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Assertion (A) is true but Reasoning (R) is not correct.

Assertion (A) is not true but Reasoning (R) is correct.

Correct Answer:

Assertion (A) is not true but Reasoning (R) is correct.


In 1789, at the beginning of the French Revolution, the National Constituent Assembly of France adopted the French 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which, drawing upon the United States ideals of human rights, laid the foundation of human rights principles still valid in the present French Constitution.