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Target Exam





Grammar: Phrasal Verb


Fill in the blank with the most suitable Phrasal Verb : -

On hearing the news of her husband's sudden demise, she __________.

Choose the correct option :


broke off

broke down

broke out

broke up

Correct Answer:

broke down


The correct answer is OPTION 2 : broke down.

"Broke down" accurately describes the emotional effect of her husband's sudden death - it implies she became overwhelmed with grief and sadness, potentially losing control of her emotions.

  • "Broke off" might suggest a sudden severance of a relationship, which wouldn't be appropriate in this context of death.
  • "Broke out" often implies a physical eruption or violent outbreak, which wouldn't fit the emotional response to a sad event.
  • "Broke up" refers specifically to the termination of a relationship, which isn't relevant to the situation of a spouse's passing.