Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Question Tags


Choose the most suitable question tag for the following phrase.

'They will solve it'.


can't they?

will they?

can they?

won't they?

Correct Answer:

won't they?


The correct answer is Option (4) → won't they?

  • Question tags are used to check for confirmation or seek agreement on a statement.
  • Since the main statement "They will solve it" is positive (using the auxiliary verb "will"), the question tag needs to be negative to sound natural.
  • "Won't they?" confirms the expectation that they will solve it.

The other options wouldn't be appropriate in this context:

  • "Can't they?" suggests doubt about their ability, which isn't the intended meaning here.
  • "Will they?" is a repetition of the auxiliary verb and sounds awkward.
  • "Can they?" can be used if you're unsure about their capability, but the context suggests confidence in their ability to solve it.