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Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


The Pharaohs may have believed that it was their links with the Gods that kept Egypt going, but really it was the hard work of the ordinary people. It was they who dug the soil, worked in the mines and quarries, sailed the boats on the river Nile, marched with the army into Syria or Nubia, cooked food and raised children. Slavery was not very important in ancient Egypt, but it did exist. Most of the slaves prisoners who had been captured during the many wars Egypt fought with their neighbors in the Near East. Slaves were usually treated well and were allowed to own property. Many Egyptian workers were serfs. This meant that their freedom was limited. They could be bought and sold along with the estates where they worked. Farmers had to be registered with the government. They have to sell crops at a fixed fields lay under water; many workers were recruited into public building projects. Punishment for those who ran away was harsh.

From the given passage options, select the one which is true according to the passage.


Pharaoh’s believed that is was their link with the Gods that favoured Egypt

The ordinary people worked overtime to destroy Egypt

The pharaoh’s did not believe they were connected to the Gods

The Pharaoh’s were the hard working salves of ancient Egypt

Correct Answer:

Pharaoh’s believed that is was their link with the Gods that favoured Egypt


Out of the given options, the statement that is true according to the passage is: Pharaoh's believed that it was their link with the Gods that favoured Egypt

Here's why:

  • The passage explicitly states in the very first sentence: "The Pharaohs may have believed that it was their links with the Gods that kept Egypt going."