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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.

Sandeep received a new lease of life after moving to Pune.


became energetic again

started looking for a job

started taking healthy food

looked for a group of friends

Correct Answer:

became energetic again


The most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence is 1. became energetic again.

The idiom "new lease of life" means a renewed sense of energy or enthusiasm. It is often used to describe someone who has recovered from an illness or setback and is now feeling better than ever.

In the sentence, Sandeep is said to have received a new lease of life after moving to Pune. This means that he is feeling more energetic and enthusiastic about life than he did before he moved. He may be more motivated to do things, more optimistic about the future, and more interested in meeting new people.

The other options are incorrect.

  • To start looking for a job means to begin the process of finding employment.
  • To start taking healthy food means to begin eating a diet that is good for your health.
  • To look for a group of friends means to try to find people to socialize with.