Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Innate immunity is non-specific type of defence, that is present at the time of birth. This is accomplished by providing different types of barriers to the entry of the foreign agents into our body.Acquired immunity, on the other hand, is pathogen specific. It is characterised by memory. This means that our body when it encounters a pathogen for the first time produces a response called primary response.When a host is exposed to antigens, which may be in the form of living or dead microbes or other proteins, antibodies are produced in the host body. This type of immunity is called active immunity. Different types of antibodies are produced in our body. IgA, IgM, IgE, IgG are some of them.

Which of the following forms humoral or antibody mediated immune system?




T3 and T4 cells.

Both T-cells and B-cells.

Correct Answer:



Humoral immunity is the process of adaptive immunity manifested by the production of antibodies by B lymphocytes. It develops in bone marrow. B cells may be triggered to proliferate into plasma cells. Plasma cells produce antibodies. Antibodies are produced when the antigen bonds the B cell receptors.