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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Globalisation


Which among the following is the correct statement about "Anti Globalisation Movements"?


Anti Globalisation movements has nothing to do with global networks

All Anti Globalisation movements are opposed to the very idea of Globalisation

Anti Globalisation movements support the idea of global competitions

Anti Globalisation movements are opposed to a specific programme of Globalisation which they see as a form of imperialism.

Correct Answer:

Anti Globalisation movements are opposed to a specific programme of Globalisation which they see as a form of imperialism.


The correct answer is option (4) - Anti Globalisation movements are opposed to a specific programme of Globalisation which they see as a form of imperialism

Globalisation is a very contentious subject and has invited strong criticism all over the globe. Critics of globalisation make a variety of arguments. Those on the left argue that contemporary globalisation represents a particular phase of global capitalism that makes the rich richer (and fewer) and the poor poorer. Weakening of the state leads to a reduction in the capacity of the state to protect the interest of its poor. Critics of globalisation from the political right express anxiety over the political, economic and cultural effects. In political terms, they also fear the weakening of the state. Economically, they want a return to self-reliance and protectionism, at least in certain areas of the economy. Culturally, they are worried that traditional culture will be harmed and people will lose their age-old values and ways. It is important to note here that anti-globalisation movements too participate in global networks, allying with those who feel like them in other countries. Many anti-globalisation movements are not opposed to the idea of globalisation per se as much as they are opposed to a specific programme of globalisation, which they see as a form of imperialism.