Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following does NOT figure among the main functionsof the root system of a plant?


Supply of food to plant parts

Absorption of water from the soil

Absorption of mineral from the soil

Providing a proper anchorage to the plant parts

Correct Answer:

Supply of food to plant parts


The correct answer is Option (1) – Supply of food to plant parts

The main functions of the root system of a plant include:

  1. Absorption of water from the soil: Roots absorb water from the soil through their root hairs and transport it to the rest of the plant for various metabolic processes.
  2. Absorption of minerals from the soil: Roots also absorb essential minerals and nutrients dissolved in the soil water, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are crucial for plant growth and development.
  3. Providing a proper anchorage to the plant parts: Roots anchor the plant securely in the soil, providing stability and support against external forces such as wind and rain. This anchorage is essential for the upright growth and overall structural integrity of the plant.

The function that does NOT figure among the main functions of the root system is:

Supply of food to plant parts: While roots do store food reserves in the form of starch and other carbohydrates, their primary function is not to supply food to other plant parts. Instead, they primarily absorb water and minerals from the soil and provide anchorage to the plant. The transportation of food synthesized in the leaves to other parts of the plant is mainly carried out by the vascular tissues, such as the phloem.