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Target Exam





Modern India: Colonialism and the Countryside


The Deccan Riots Commission was set up by which government?


Government of Bombay

Government of Pune

Government of Madras

Government of Calcutta

Correct Answer:

Government of Bombay


The correct answer is Option (1) → Government of Bombay

The Deccan Riots Commission was established by the Government of Bombay in response to the riots that occurred in the Deccan region of British India during the early 1870s. The purpose of the commission was to investigate the causes and consequences of the riots, understand the grievances of various communities, and recommend measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The Government of Bombay took this initiative to address the social and political tensions that had led to the riots. Establishing a commission was a common approach during colonial times to inquire into and report on significant events, allowing authorities to gather information and make informed decisions based on the findings of the commission.

So, the correct option is [1].