Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Social Justice


Which of the following statements are correct about Immanuel Kant and his philosophy?

Statement A- He is a French philosopher.
Statement B- He believes human beings possess dignity.
Statement C- He opines justice requires that we give due and equal consideration to all individuals.

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


Statements A and B are correct

Statements B and C are correct

Statements A and C are correct

All the statements are correct

Correct Answer:

Statements B and C are correct


The correct answer is Option 2 - Statements B and C are correct

Correction in Statement A- He is a GERMAN, not a French philosopher.

The idea that justice involves giving each person his due continues to be an important part of our present day understanding of justice. However, our understanding of what is due to a person has changed from the time of Plato. Today, our understanding of what is just is closely linked to our understanding of what is due to each person as a human being. According to the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, human beings possess dignity. If all persons are granted dignity then what is due to each of them is that they have the opportunity to develop their talents and pursue their chosen goals. Justice requires that we give due and equal consideration to all individuals.