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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Common name of the compound CaOCl2 is _____.


bleaching powder

washing soda

baking soda


Correct Answer:

bleaching powder


The correct answer is option 1. bleaching powder.

Bleaching powder is a chemical compound with the chemical formula \(CaOCl_2\). It is commonly used for various purposes, including disinfection, bleaching, and water treatment. Here's a brief explanation:

1. Chemical Formula: The chemical formula \(CaOCl_2\) indicates the composition of bleaching powder. It consists of one calcium (Ca) atom, one oxygen (O) atom, and two chlorine (Cl) atoms.

2. Formation: Bleaching powder is produced by the action of chlorine gas (\(Cl_2\)) on dry slaked lime [calcium hydroxide, \(Ca(OH)_2\)].
\[ \text{Ca(OH)}_2 + Cl_2 \rightarrow \text{CaOCl}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} \]

3. Disinfection and Bleaching: Bleaching powder is widely used as a disinfectant and bleach. The chlorine content in bleaching powder contributes to its disinfecting properties, making it effective in sterilizing water and surfaces. It is commonly used in the treatment of drinking water to kill harmful microorganisms.

4. Bleaching Agent:  Bleaching powder is employed in the textile and paper industries as a bleaching agent. It can remove color from substances, making it useful in the production of white textiles and paper.

5. Odor and Appearance: Bleaching powder has a characteristic chlorine-like odor. It is usually a white or light yellowish powder.

It's important to handle bleaching powder with care, as it releases chlorine gas when in contact with acids. Despite its common use, the compound has limitations, and alternatives are considered for certain applications due to environmental and safety concerns.