Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Poverty


Which of the following reasons have been mentioned by the scholars which prevent the successful implementation of poverty alleviation programs in India?


Benefits of these programs are unduly taken by non-poor also

Amount of resources allocated for these programmes is not sufficient

Poor implementation of these programs due to ill motivated and untrained government and bank officials

All the above

Correct Answer:

All the above


Scholars, while assessing the poverty alleviation programmes, state three major areas of concern which prevent their successful implementation. Due to unequal distribution of land and other assets, the benefits from direct poverty alleviation programmes have been appropriated by the non-poor. Compared to the magnitude of poverty, the amount of resources allocated for these programmes is not sufficient. Moreover, these programmes depend mainly on government and bank officials for their implementation. Since such officials are ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure from a variety of local elites, the resources are inefficiently used and wasted. There is also non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation.