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Target Exam





Enterprise marketing


Mohit is manufacturing beauty products under the brand name of Myself. He has the ambition to control the market of his product and has chosen a shorter channel of distribution. Identify the factor, that he has considered, while choosing his network.


Government related

Market related

Product related

Company related

Correct Answer:

Company related


The correct answer is option (4) - Company related.

Considerations related to manufacturer/company: Considerations related to manufacturer are given below:

 1. Goodwill:  Manufacturer’s goodwill also affects the selection of channel of distribution. A manufacturer enjoying good reputation need not depend on the middlemen as he can open his own branches easily.

2. Desire to control the channel of distribution: A manufacturer’s ambition to control the channel of distribution affects its selection. Consumers should be approached directly by such type of manufacturer. For example, electronic goods sector with a motive to control the service levels provided to the customers at the point of sale are resorting to company owned retail counters.

3. Financial strength: A company which has a strong financial base can evolve its own channels. On the other hand, financially weak companies would have to depend upon middlemen.