Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


According to Fritz Heider's concept of balance, described in the form of P-O-X triangle, attitude change occurs when -

(A) When all three sides of P-O-X triangle are negative.
(B) When all three sides are positive.
(C) When two sides are positive and one negative.
(D) When two sides are negative and one is positive.
(E) When there is no relation between any side.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(A) and (B) Only

(B) and (D) Only

(D) and (E) Only

(A) and (C) Only

Correct Answer:

(A) and (C) Only


The concept of balance, proposed by Fritz Heider is sometimes described in the form of the ‘P-O-X’ triangle, which represents the relationships between three aspects or components of the attitude. P is the person whose attitude is being studied, O is another person, and X is the topic towards which the attitude is being studied (attitude object). It is also possible that all three are persons.

The basic idea is that an attitude changes if there is a state of imbalance between the P-O attitude, O-X attitude, and P-X attitude. This is because imbalance is logically uncomfortable. Therefore, the attitude changes in the direction of balance.

Imbalance is found when (i) all three sides of the P-O-X triangle are negative, or (ii) two sides are positive, and one side is negative. Balance is found when (i) all three sides are positive, or (ii) two sides are negative, and one side is positive.