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Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


Which of the following options is not a correct match for life history variations in various organisms?


Breeds only once in their life - Pacific salmon fish, bamboo

Breeds many times during lifetime - Most birds, mammals

Produces a large number of small-sized offspring - Birds

Produces a small number of large-sized offspring – Mammals

Correct Answer:

Produces a large number of small-sized offspring - Birds


Life history variations refer to the different reproductive strategies and patterns observed in different organisms. Each organism has its own unique life history characteristics that are shaped by various factors such as environmental conditions, reproductive strategies, and survival strategies.

In the given options, the incorrect match for life history variations is:

(c) Produces a large number of small-sized offspring - Birds

This is incorrect because birds generally produce a smaller number of offspring compared to other organisms, but the size of their offspring is relatively larger. Birds invest more energy and resources into each offspring to increase their chances of survival and success. They exhibit a strategy known as "quality over quantity" when it comes to reproduction.

In contrast, some organisms such as fish and plants, like the Pacific salmon fish and bamboo mentioned in option (a), have a life history strategy of breeding only once in their lifetime and producing a large number of offspring. This strategy is known as semelparity.

Option (b) correctly matches the life history variation of breeding many times during their lifetime with most birds and mammals, as these organisms often exhibit iteroparity, where they have multiple reproductive events throughout their lives.

Option (d) correctly matches the life history variation of producing a small number of large-sized offspring with mammals. Mammals typically have fewer offspring compared to other organisms but invest more resources in each offspring, resulting in larger-sized offspring.

Overall, option (c) is the incorrect match as birds produce a smaller number of relatively larger-sized offspring, contrary to what is stated in the option.