Target Exam





Organic: Biomolecules


What is the glycosidic linkage in maltose?


β-1,4-glycosidic linkage

α-2,β-1-glycosidic linkage

α-1,4-glycosidic linkage

α-1,β-2-glycosidic linkage 

Correct Answer:

α-1,4-glycosidic linkage


The correct answer is option 3. α-1,4-glycosidic linkage.

Maltose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules. The glycosidic linkage in maltose is formed between the alpha \((\alpha )\) anomeric carbon (carbon 1) of one glucose molecule and the hydroxyl group on carbon 4 of the second glucose molecule.

Glycosidic Linkage in Maltose

The linkage involves the anomeric carbon (carbon 1) of the first glucose in the alpha configuration. It connects to the hydroxyl group on carbon 4 of the second glucose.

Naming the Glycosidic Linkage

Alpha \((\alpha )\) Configuration: The glycosidic bond is formed with the alpha anomeric carbon (C1) of the first glucose molecule.

1,4 Linkage: The bond is between the carbon 1 of the first glucose and carbon 4 of the second glucose.

Thus, the glycosidic linkage in maltose is: \(\alpha \)-1,4-glycosidic linkage.