Practicing Success

Target Exam





Electromagnetic Induction


A wire of irregular shape in figure (a) and a circular loop of wire in figure (b) are placed in different uniform magnetic fields as shown in the figures below. In figure (a), the magnetic field is perpendicular into the plane. In figure (b), the magnetic field is perpendicular out of the plane.

The wire in figure (a) is turning into a circular loop and that in figure (b) into a narrow straight wire. The direction of induced current will be _________.

Fill in the blank with the correct answer from the options given below.


clockwise in both (a) and (b)

anticlockwise in both (a) and (b)

clockwise in (a) and anticlockwise in (b)

anticlockwise in (a) and clockwise in (b)

Correct Answer:

anticlockwise in both (a) and (b)


In case (a) area is increasing hence flux through the loop is increasing. The induced current will produced a magnetic field opposite to the existing magnetic field i.e out of the plane and hence direction of current is anti clock wise.

In case (b) area is decreasing hence flux through the loop is decreasing. The induced current will produced a magnetic field in the same direction as existing magnetic field i.e out of the plane and hence direction of current is anti clock wise.

The correct answer is Option (2) → anticlockwise in both (a) and (b)