Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


How does cryptic coloration help prey?


Feed abundantly

Lessen the impact of predator

Increase their number

Increase their reproductive fitness

Correct Answer:

Lessen the impact of predator


The correct answer is Option (2) - Lessen the impact of predator

Cryptic coloration is a type of camouflage that helps prey blend in with their surroundings. This makes it difficult for predators to see them, which can help them to avoid being eaten. Some species of insects and frogs are cryptically-coloured (camouflaged) to avoid being detected easily by the predator.

There are many different types of cryptic coloration, including:

  • Background matching: Prey that match the color of their surroundings are more difficult to see. For example, a moth that is the same color as the bark of a tree is more difficult for a bird to see.
  • Disruptive coloration: Prey that have patterns that break up their outline are also more difficult to see. For example, a fish that has stripes that run along its body is more difficult for a predator to see as a whole.
  • Mimicry: Prey that mimic other, more dangerous animals are also more difficult to see. For example, a moth that looks like a poisonous snake is more difficult for a bird to eat.

Cryptic coloration is an effective way for prey to avoid predators. It is a common adaptation found in many different species of animals.

The answer to the question is (2), lessen the impact of predator.