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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Globalisation


How have left-wing protests against economic liberalization been expressed in India?


Through support for multinational corporations

By promoting foreign TV channels

Through lockdowns and trade barriers

Through political parties and the Indian Social Forum

Correct Answer:

Through political parties and the Indian Social Forum


Answer- Through political parties and the Indian Social Forum

Resistance to globalisation in India has come from different quarters. There have been left wing protests to economic liberalisation voiced through political parties as well as through forums like the Indian Social Forum. Trade unions of industrial workforce as well as those representing farmer interests have organised protests against the entry of multinationals. The patenting of certain plants like Neem by American and European firms has also generated considerable opposition. Resistance to globalisation has also come from the political right. This has taken the form of objecting particularly to various cultural influences — ranging from the availability of foreign TV channels provided by cable networks, celebration of Valentine’s Day, and westernisation of the dress tastes of girl students in schools and colleges.