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One Word


Choose the expression from options given below which best describes the word "GOURMET"


One who loves travelling

A Connoisseur of good food

A very social person

One who loves people

Correct Answer:

A Connoisseur of good food


The expression that best describes the word "gourmet" is a connoisseur of good food.

A gourmet is someone who enjoys eating good food and who has a discriminating palate. They are typically interested in learning about different cuisines and ingredients, and they are often willing to pay more for high-quality food.

The other options do not accurately describe the word "gourmet." A person who loves traveling may enjoy trying new foods, but they are not necessarily a gourmet. A very social person may enjoy eating out, but they may not be particularly interested in the food itself. And a person who loves people may enjoy cooking for others, but they may not be particularly discerning about the food they cook.