Practicing Success

Target Exam





Environmental Issues


Select the incorrect statements given below.

A. Methane and Carbon dioxide are green house gases.

B. The Montreal Protocol is associated with the control of emission of ozone depleting substances.

C. Use of incinerators is not crucial to dispose off hospital wastes.

D. Dobson units is used to measure water quality.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A and B

C and D

A and C

B and D

Correct Answer:

C and D


Greenhouse gases :Greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and fluorinated gases. These gases trap heat.

Montreal protocol: The Montreal protocol is a global agreement on protection of the ozone layer by regulating the emission of ozone-depleting substances.

Incinerators : Incinerators are the equipment used in hospitals to dispose of all types of medical wastes which include pathogenic microorganisms and harmful chemicals.An incinerator is a closed furnace used for burning wastes to mitigate pollution at greater efficiency. The hospital wastes contain various pathogens which if disposed of to an open area may cause spreading of diseases. Thus they should be burned in a closed furnace such as an incinerator and in high heat, the germs will be destroyed.

Dobson units : Dobson units are used to measure concentration of ozone. The average thickness of the Earth’s ozone layer is about 300 Dobson units. To measuring the quantity of any trace gas in the earth's atmospheric column, the Dobson unit is used. This is primarily used to measured total ozone or column abundance which is mainly due to the ozone layer of the stratosphere.