Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who was/is a successful Indian business tycoon and was the founder of Reliance Industries?


Dhirubhai Ambani

Anant Ambani

Mukesh Ambani

Akash Ambani

Correct Answer:

Dhirubhai Ambani


The correct answer is Option (1) - Dhirubhai Ambani

Dhirubhai Ambani was a visionary Indian entrepreneur who founded Reliance Industries Limited, one of India's largest conglomerates. Born on December 28, 1932, in Gujarat, India, Dhirubhai Ambani rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most prominent figures in Indian business history.

In 1958, Dhirubhai Ambani founded Reliance Commercial Corporation, a small trading firm, which later evolved into Reliance Industries. Under his leadership, Reliance Industries diversified into various sectors, including petrochemicals, refining, oil and gas exploration, telecommunications, textiles, and retail. Ambani's business strategies were often characterized by his ambition, innovation, and risk-taking ability, which propelled Reliance Industries to unprecedented growth and success.

Dhirubhai Ambani revolutionized the Indian business landscape with his focus on vertical integration, economies of scale, and a relentless pursuit of growth. He was known for his ability to mobilize capital, navigate complex regulatory environments, and create shareholder value. Moreover, he played a significant role in shaping India's capital markets and fostering entrepreneurship in the country.

Throughout his career, Dhirubhai Ambani faced various challenges, including controversies and legal battles, but he persevered and continued to expand his business empire. His entrepreneurial spirit and philanthropic endeavors left a lasting legacy, inspiring generations of aspiring businessmen and women in India and beyond.

Dhirubhai Ambani passed away on July 6, 2002, but his vision and legacy continue to shape Reliance Industries and influence the Indian business landscape. His sons, Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani, have since taken on prominent roles in leading different branches of the Reliance group.