Practicing Success

Target Exam





Magnetism and Matter


A coil of radius 5cm has 98 closely wound turns of a metal wire. Magnetic field of strength$ 6.2 \times 10^{-3}T$ is produced at the centre of this coil, when a current of 5.2 A is passes through it.Magnetic field of same strength is to be produced at the centre of another coil with 10cm radius. select the correct possible way to do so.


Current of 10.4A should be passed through the second coil of 98 turns.

The second coil should be made with 196 turns and a current of 10.4 A should be passed through it.

The second coil should be made with 49 turns and a current of 5.2 A should be passed through it.

The second coil should be made with 196 turns and a current of 2.6 A should be passed through it.

Correct Answer:

Current of 10.4A should be passed through the second coil of 98 turns.


$ B = \frac{\mu_0 NI}{2 R} $

$\text{Magnetic Field is propotional to }\frac{NI}{R}$

$\text{Correct option is 2}$