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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: The Cold War Era


Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

India’s new beginning in the post-Cold War period is largely attributed to the liberal economic order. The liberal security order on the other hand has welcomed India’s rise unlike China, largely because India’s democratic credentials get well with the liberal principles. President Clinton made a state visit to India within two years of imposing sanctions against India’s nuclear testing. The era witnessed reconciliation between world’s oldest and largest democracies. The multi-sector cooperation alongside the Indo-US clear deal are some of the momentous diplomatic developments of the decade. The Bush administration perceived a strong democratic India and an important partner for the United States and encouraged India to play an increasingly important leadership role in 21st century Asia. Inclusion of India in decision-making on mat global governance, upgraded representation in trade and investment forums, ad into multilateral export control regimes(MTCR) and support for admission in Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) are indicative of growing partnership and strengthening of friendly relations between the US and India.

In which year India declared itself as a nuclear power state.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 1 - 1998

India declared itself as a nuclear power state in 1998.

India has faced traditional (military) and non-traditional threats to its security that have emerged from within as well as outside its borders. Its security strategy has four broad components, which have been used in varying combinations from time to time. The first component was strengthening its military capabilities because India has been involved in conflicts with its neighbours — Pakistan in 1947–48, 1965, 1971 and 1999; and China in 1962. Since it is surrounded by nuclear-armed countries in the South Asian region, India’s decision to conduct nuclear tests in 1998 was justified by the Indian government in terms of safeguarding national security. India first tested a nuclear device in 1974.

On 11th May 1998, India declared itself a nuclear weapon state by conducting a series of nuclear weapon tests in the Thar desert. The tests were named "Operation Shakti."