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General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is correctly matched?


Article 19(a) - Right to freedom of speech and expression

Article 19(e) - Right to form associations

Article 19(g) - Right to assemble peaceably and without arms

Article 19(b) - Right to practise any profession

Correct Answer:

Article 19(a) - Right to freedom of speech and expression


The correct answer is Option 1 -Article 19(a) - Right to freedom of speech and expression

Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is a crucial provision that guarantees six fundamental freedoms to Indian citizens. These freedoms are essential for a functioning democracy and allow citizens to participate actively in society. Here's a breakdown of each freedom:

Freedom of Speech and Expression Article 19(a): This right allows you to freely express your ideas, opinions, and beliefs through various means like speech, writing, or art. It fosters public discourse and individual growth.
Freedom to Assemble Peaceably and Without Arms Article 19(b): You have the right to gather with others for peaceful protests, meetings, or demonstrations. This enables collective expression and voicing concerns.
Freedom to Form Associations or Unions or Co-operative Societies Article 19(c): This freedom allows you to join or form groups with people who share common interests. It promotes collective action and social change.
Freedom to Move Freely Throughout the Territory of India Article 19(d): You have the right to travel anywhere within India and choose where you want to live. This fosters national integration and economic opportunity.
Freedom to Reside and Settle in Any Part of the Territory of India Article 19(e): This right allows you to choose where you want to live within India and settle down. It promotes individual choice and mobility.
Freedom to Practice Any Profession, or to Carry on Any Occupation, Trade or Business Article 19(g): You have the right to choose your profession or business and pursue your livelihood freely. This encourages economic freedom and individual growth.