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Business Studies




Two way communication technique is used under which of the following kind of leadership styles?


Democratic Leadership

Autocratic Leadership

Laissez Faire

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Democratic Leadership


The two-way communication technique is typically used under the Democratic Leadership style (Option 1).

Explanation: Democratic Leadership style emphasizes involving team members in the decision-making process and encourages open communication and participation. In this style, leaders actively seek input and opinions from their team members, and there is a strong emphasis on collaboration and consensus-building. Two-way communication, where information and feedback flow freely between leaders and team members, is a key aspect of the democratic leadership approach.

Autocratic Leadership (Option 2) is characterized by a top-down approach where the leader makes decisions without much input or involvement from the team members. Communication in autocratic leadership is generally one-way, with the leader directing and instructing the team members.

Laissez-Faire (Option 3) is a leadership style where leaders have a hands-off approach and give their team members considerable freedom and autonomy. Communication in laissez-faire leadership can vary, but it tends to be more informal and less structured, with team members taking the initiative for communication.