Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


Which of the following was not a part of the Punjab accord?
a- It was agreed that Chandigarh will be transferred to Punjab.
b- It stated a separate commission would be appointed to resolve the border dispute between Punjab and Haryana,
c- It provided reservation of seats for Sikhs in government jobs.
d- It stated a tribunal would be set up to decide the sharing of Ravi-Beas river water among Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan.
e- The agreement also provided for compensation to and better treatment of those affected by the militancy in Punjab.
f- The act confirmed to conduct a plebiscite in Punjab once normalcy is restored.
g- The agreement provided withdrawal of the application of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in Punjab.


a and d

c and f.

b and e

c and g.

Correct Answer:

c and f.


Statement c- It provided reservation of seats for Sikhs in government jobs, and
Statement f- The act confirmed to conduct a plebiscite in Punjab once normalcy is restored are incorrect.

In July 1985, Rajiv Gandhi reached an agreement with Harchand Singh Longowal, then the President of the Akali Dal. This agreement, known as the Rajiv Gandhi - Longowal Accord or the Punjab Accord, was a step towards bringing normalcy to Punjab. It was agreed that Chandigarh would be transferred to Punjab, a separate commission would be appointed to resolve the border dispute between Punjab and Haryana, and a tribunal would be set up to decide the sharing of Ravi-Beas river water among Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan. The agreement also provided for compensation to and better treatment of those affected by the militancy in Punjab and the withdrawal of the application of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in Punjab.