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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: The Cold War Era


In what sense did the Cold War manage to ensure human survival?


The two countries were in a deterrence relationship and avoided the risk of another world war.

The two countries avoided the other countries of the world to acquire nuclear weapons.

The two countries had nuclear weapons and used it to create fear among other countries to live peacefully.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

The two countries were in a deterrence relationship and avoided the risk of another world war.


Note the main military features of the Cold War. The two superpowers and the countries in the rival blocs led by the superpowers were expected to behave as rational and responsible actors. They were to be rational and responsible in the sense that they understood the risks of fighting wars that might involve the two superpowers. When two superpowers and the blocs led by them are in a deterrence relationship, fighting wars will be massively destructive. Responsibility, therefore, meant being restrained and avoiding the risk of another world war. In this sense, the Cold War managed to ensure human survival.